ASTR 352


Course No.

Course Title

No. of Units






Astr 352

Stellar Atmospheres




Astr 351

Objectives of the course :

      The aim of this course is to study the stellar atmospheres by solving some models based on the solution of the equation of radiation transfer through different physical properties media .

Course Description:

      This course contains the following subjects:  Atomic structure, Deep study of the physical properties of the radiation field. Interaction of radiation with matter. Emission and absorption. The statistical equilibrium equation. The equation of radiation transfer and its solution for continuous radiation. The stellar Gray atmosphere. Line transfer equation in stellar atmosphere - Curve of growth. Chemical abundances in stellar atmosphere .

Main text and subsidiary books:

-          Stellar Atmospheres : theory and Observations, Greve, 1997, Springer .

-          Stellar Physics (II), Bisonovatyi-Kogan, 2001, Springer .

-          Radiation Transfer and Stellar Atmospheres : T.L. Swihart Pachart  Publishing House, 1981.

Introduction to Stellar Atmospheres and Interiors : Eva Novotny, Oxford University press, 1973 .


Last Update
10/16/2009 1:07:48 AM